четверг, 5 марта 2015 г.

6 months in Britain

Maybe this date help me to write post in English. But I'm not absolutely sure about this idea. Let's try.

It's quite difficult to evaluate your living in another country.

About myself
I really don't think that I've changed. All my characteristic, especially negative have become sharper. For example, now I'm more close in myself, sometimes feel that I'm totally lazy, trying to begin be more adult, but it doesn't work out.
No matter what, but it's a good experience. To think about yourself - who you are without all your usual environment. To understand who is your real friend. To decide what you want from your future. I suggest I have answers for this questions. It is a little break out.

About language
You can don't believe me, but I tell you - just live in foreign language environment it's not enough. Don't believe people who say that they improve their English just living in another country. I feel myself degrading. Cause you use it every day and sometimes do it automatically, including mistakes. And no one correct you. And at the evening you feel yourself terrible trying to analyse all mistakes you've done.
You forget rules and words you don't use. It's really destroying you.
When you are going to live in another country remember one rule - always grow up, every day try to know something new. Practice isn't talking and writing,  but reflection and development. It's not knowing any phrases such as "raining cats and dogs" (it's cool but not useful), but know the difference between go away and go out.

About country
If we talk about life in Scotland and some features, it's not so different. You will be surprise, but all people are the same. They have the same problems, mood and etc and etc. If you think that people in Europe are kind, smiling and open, you're wrong. Not, they are not evil and close, but it depends on person. Like everywhere in the world.
They like Irn Bru. I can't understand how to drink it not harming your taste, and they like it.
They are fucking drunker. Never try to play with scotts in Litroball. You will lose.

About University
It's not so hard to understand and talking. But academic writing and plagiarism. Kill me please!!!
No matter to it I love my Uni. The lecturers are very open and kind, but they are very restricted in the questions about assessements. You never get good feedback - only about mistakes, not about how to avoid it.

И все же немного по-русски.
Потому что мои самые дорогие и любимые люди сейчас в России. Я писала много раз и буду писать, что самое главное в жизни - это люди. И когда ты далеко от них - ты понимаешь это как никогда ранее.

Слышите, я люблю вас!!! И очень скучаю!!!
Ну и надеюсь, что вы все такие молодцы и прочитаете по английски. И сразу прошу прощения за ошибки. Я же говорю - я невозможно ленивая задница )))

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